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Contoh Kata Pengantar Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk Skripsi (1)

Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah the Almighty and the most Merciful that because of His blessings I could finally finish my thesis to attain the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Language Education.

I would like to express my highest gratitute and appreciation to my first consultant, Joko Priyana, P.hd and my second consultant, Anita Triastuti, M.A. who have been very helpful, kind and patient in giving me advice, ideas, guidance, assistance, and their valuable time during the process of writing this thesis. I also wish to express my sincere thanks to my academic consultant, B. Yuniar Diyanti, S. Pd. for her support and advice to me.

I deeply thank my parents (Ibuk Wiyati and Bapak Samidi) and my sisters and brothers (Endang Ilmi Nur Hidayati, Endang Ilmi Nur Fitriati, Ariyadi Wijaya, Arkapraba Wijaya, Nurahyanto, Bagus Ahya Pradana) for their loving support and encouragement during the process of writing the thesis.

I personally show gratitude to Aa Risa Aprianasalam for his motivation, support, understanding, and love so that I never give up to finish this thesis.

I thank my friends in PBI H 2007 for the tight friendship, my friends in EDSA (especially PI-Kadiv 2009) for being my sisters and brothers, and my friends in SALC for their motivation and support, all friends and people whose name I could not mention.

Finally, I realize that this thesis is so far from being outstanding. Therefore, I invite you as the readers to give comments and suggestions from those who are deeply concerned in such topic. However, I expect that this thesis will give worthwhile contributions to all readers.

                                                                                 Dewi Nur Widiyati


Contoh Kata Pengantar Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk Skripsi (2)

In the name of Allah SWT The Most Beneficent and The Most Merciful. All praises are to Allah SWT for all the blesses so that the writer can accomplish this thesis. In addition, may Peace and Salutation be given to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who has taken all human being from the Darkness to the Lightness.

The writer would like to express her genuine grattitudes to:

  1. Dr. Maftukhin, M.Ag, the Rector of State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung.
  2. Dr. H. Abd. Aziz , M.Pd.I, the Dean of Faculty yah and Teacher Training.
  3. Arina Shofiya, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Department who has given me some information so the writer can accomplish this thesis .
  4. Dr. Nurul Chojimah, M.Pd., the writer ’s thesis advisor who guided me with her encouragement, ideas, advice, motivation, responsibility, patience, and her valuable time in correcting every part of this thesis .
  5. Lectures in English Education Department of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training for valuable knowledge, guidance, and advices during the years of my study.
  6. Drs.H. Kahfi Nururdduja, M. Pd.I, the Headmaster of MTsN Tunggangri who has given the writer permission to conduct a research at this school .
  7. Bariyah, S.Pd, the English teacher of MTsN Tunggangri who helped and provided the necessary data to the writer while conducting the research.
  8. The first year students of MTsN Tunggangri in academic year 2013/2014 for the corporation as the sample of this research.
  9. My entire best friends, especially for the member of TBI-C in Action, PPL’s friends in MTsN Tunggangri, and PAR 2013’s friends in Kresikan, Tanggung Gunung thanks for your support, kindness, and the great and wonderful friendship. Thank you for always being there.
  10. My Big Family of Teater Pro-test thanks for your support and experience with all of you.
  11. A special person who gives me strength and realizes that life is nice and beautiful.
  12. Last but not least, those who cannot be mentioned one by one, who have helped and support the writer to finish this thesis.
Hopefully, may Allah SWT always bless those mentioned above and all their sacrifice becomes their merciful deeds to help them gain a success in their future life. The researcher realizes that this research is far from being perfect. Therefore, any constructive criticism and suggestion will be gladly accepted. Finally, it is expected that this thesis will be beneficial for the readers.

                                                                  Tulungagung, 28t h April 2014

                                                                               The Writer

Contoh Kata Pengantar Bahasa Inggris Untuk Tesis/Skripsi (3)


This thesis is based on research in didactical physics for developing quantitative lecture demonstrations and student’s laboratory exercises, and for improving teacher training. The research took place at the Department of Physics, University of Helsinki. I thank my colleagues at the Didactical Physics research group and the personnel of the Department of Physics for a pleasant and inspiring working atmosphere. I am grateful for the Department of Physics, for allowing me to work with this project besides my daily work, and for providing me with the working facilities and the research implements. I also thank the Graduate School in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Education for allowing me to work as a full-time graduate student during the most critical period of this work.

I express my deep gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Kaarle Kurki-Suonio for guidance, support, inspiring collaboration, and for providing the didactical background on which this work is based. I also thank my second supervisor, Dr. Jari Lavonen, for his remarks and advice.

My warm thanks go to Prof. Antti Siivola and Doc. Jouni Viiri for reviewing the manuscript of this thesis. Prof. Siivola also read the text in its early stages. His comments about the technical aspects were invaluable. Doc. Viiri gave me several insightful suggestions about improving the didactical parts and the structure of the thesis, for which I am greatly thankful.

My thanks are extended to several colleagues at the Department of Physics, with whom I have had longer or shorter enlightening discussions about the various topics of this work.

Among the many, I wish to mention Prof. Heimo Saarikko, Doc. Pentti Paatero, Phil. Lic. Riitta Kurki-Suonio, Phil. Lic. Seppo Andersson, and MSc Juho Tiili. Looking further back, special thanks must also go to Prof. Maija Ahtee, for introducing me to the field of computer-based measurement in physics teaching in the first place.

I am grateful to Doc. Anthony Green for revising the language, and for his detailed remarks about the terminology. The errors that may be left in the text are totally my own responsibility.

I also want to thank Doc. Mervi Hyvönen-Dabek, Dr. Aino Vahvaselkä and Tuulikki Pitkänen, Head Secretary of the Department, for their expert assistance in the many practical concerns.

I wish to express my gratitude to my relatives and friends for their sincere interest in my work. Especially my sister MA Vuokko Koivuniemi has been a great source of encouragement. Most of all, I thank my beloved wife Anne. Without her support, this work would never have been completed. I dedicate this thesis to her.

                                                                                Helsinki, October 1998

                                                                                     Ari Hämäläinen

Contoh Kata Pengantar Bahasa Inggris Untuk Tesis/Skripsi (4)


This thesis is one of the fruits of my labor at the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC) over the past year. During the internship that was part of my research master studies I gained hands-on experience in using the high-tech machinery and software needed to carry out a functional MRI study. Although nobody can become an fMRI expert in such a short period of time, it is no exaggeration to state that my personal learning curve, which grew like a logarithmic function, has reached a considerable level. Especially during the steep slope of this learning curve it was very exciting to work on this project. When arrived at the more flat gradient of the function, I learned to take care not to come under – as mathematicians call it – the “curse of dimensionality.” In my own reading, this curse results in an urge to carry out new analyses, in order to look at the high-dimensioned data at still another way, over and over again “ad infinitum”, though you will never get what you are looking for. Still, I found that the threat of this curse can have positive outcomes because you gradually become aware of the well-known fact that we are temporal creatures, and – possibly only for that one simple reason – should enjoy the good of life… It was a delight that I had the time to dig up the literature again at the end of the series of fMRI analyses. Rereading William James was inspiring, as always. It was also a great joy to read about James’ philosophical ancestors and scientific successors. It goes without saying that it nonetheless took some pains to eventually round off this thesis.

I am grateful to all those people from both the FSW and the LUMC building that were involved in this study. In particular, I would like to thank prof. Bernhard Hommel for giving me the opportunity to take part in this MRI project. I thank André Keizer and Serge Rombouts for always being willing to help me when confronted with problems during the FSL analyses. I would also like to thank Lorenza Colzato and André for spending several weekends to collect the brain imaging data for this study. I am grateful to Michiel Spapé for contributing his expertise in audio processing. Last but not least I would like to thank my friends, fellow students and parents for their moral support.

I hope you will enjoy reading this thesis.

Leiden, June 2007                                                           Henk van Steenbergen

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